Keeping track of work hours as a freelancer

Forum - General Discussion - Keeping track of work hours as a freelancer

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OPmartinharris11 4 days ago

One thing I’ve always struggled with as a freelancer is accurately tracking my work hours. Some days I feel like I’ve worked way more than I actually have, and other times I forget to log my time altogether. I’ve tried using basic timers and even writing things down, but it’s not the most reliable system. I’m wondering how other freelancers handle this—do you use a specific tool or method to keep track of everything? Would love to hear what works for you.

JamesMilner 4 days ago

That was the issue that existed between my invoice and productivity, but it helped me a lot by switching to automatic tracking. I currently use, and that helped out considerably. It automatically logs time, creates reports, and keeps track of how much work has been done, so you don't have to worry about forgetting. Perfect for the freelancer who has too many clients, it organizes all of his working hours and keeps them available in one place. It is what really saves you time and quite a number of other processes using something like that.

jinwatkins1 4 days ago

This is something I’ve been thinking about lately, too. I’ve been freelancing for a while, but I’ve never had a proper system for tracking hours. I usually just estimate my time, but I know that’s not the best approach in the long run. It’s helpful to see different perspectives on this, especially when it comes to tools that can automate the process.