Deck Builder
Build your Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel Deck using our online Deck Builder.
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to exclude search terms (Dark e:Magician
to exclude Dark Magician)
You must be logged in if you wish to submit a deck you create.
Select Card Type
Effect Monster Spell Card Trap Card Toon Monster Normal Monster Spirit Monster Fusion Monster Flip Effect Monster Synchro Monster Tuner Monster XYZ Monster Pendulum Normal Monster Ritual Effect Monster Link Monster
Select Race
Machine Equip Normal Fiend Continuous Ritual Dragon Quick-Play Spellcaster Insect Counter Warrior ? Beast Plant Winged Beast Fairy Psychic Aqua Fish Rock Sea Serpent Reptile Dinosaur Beast-Warrior Field Zombie Wyrm Thunder Cyberse Galaxy Pyro High Dragon Cyborg Omega Psychic Celestial Warri Magical Knight ???
Select Attribute
Select Archetype
Amazoness Darklord -Eyes Dragon Archfiend Chaos Virus Aged counterpart Mirror Trap Gun Dragon Prophecy Magician Book of Heart roid Zera Boot-Up Elemental HERO Crystal Morphtronic Arcana Force Worm Ally of Justice Dragunity Blackwing Meklord Gusto Ninjitsu Art Huge Revolution lswarm Xyz Abyss- Gagaga Madolche Butterspy Bounzer Hieratic Train Chronomaly Number Heroic Junk Atlantean Change Photon Gimmick Puppet Overlay Attribute Knight Evo- Gearfried Lightray Evol Wind-Up Heraldic Constellar Heraldry Fire Fist Bujin Koa'ki Meiru Duel Dragon ZEXAL shout Umbral Horror Battlin' Boxer Zexal Vampire Noble Knight Cyber Ghostrick Duston Lightsworn Galaxy Risebell Artifact Penguin Vanity's Forbidden Dododo Signature move Counter Sylvan King Traptrix Ancient Gear tellarknight Noble Arms Empower Lunalight U.A. Felgrand D/D Triamid Edge Imp Trap Hole Dracoslayer True Draco Performapal Zefra Fusion Frightfur Ritual Beast Ninja Destiny HERO Crystron Toad Shiranui Cipher Flower Cardian Shinobird Metalfoes Fairy Tail Graydle Abyss Actor Abyss Script SPYRAL Magnet Warrior Predap Legendary Planet Code Talker Wooly Wonderland Chameleon Sushi Fairy Cosmic Urban Legend Tron High Tech Dragon Branded Albaz Dragon Bystial Mystical Beast of the For Field Searcher Chemistry Newspaper Nephthys Nouvelles Golden Land Constructor Void Cosmic Synchro Monster Magistus Clear Wing Shark Cupid Curse of Dragon Rikka Cynet D.D. Mikanko @Ignister Dark Contract Ghost Story Darkness Psychic Musician Talismanic Shadow Flower Executie Strike Dragon Galactica Metarion Heavenly Bubble Era Kappa Jointech Dark Magician Sevens Road Melffy Straynge Cat Music Princess Road Magic Three Rulers Skysavior Lightning Bringer Magnum Overlord Gi-ant Revolution Transam Ultimate Flag Voidvelg Voidverg Worker Warrior Holy Swordsman Blue-Eyes Noodle Ninja Sportsdragon Wight Red-Eyes Gaia Beast Gear Harpie Royal Rebel's King's Umi Star Knight Summoned Skull Chair Thunderbeetle Cat Jinzo Blisstopia Magma JAM Nouveau Riche Dinosaur Abysskite Abysslayer Yakiniku The Baseball Dolphin Excutie Berry Fresh Transamu Ewekai Tamabot Supreme Magnum Overlord Bubble Actress Gem Dragon Voidvelgr Heartless Hound Delirium Shaman Bandit Arts Angel Jersey Cyber Dragon Love Blaze Fiend Celeb Rose Monarch Maju Legend Demolition Garzett Agent Surging-Wave Praime Animagica Secret Investigator Dice Space Cybersepice Dark Matter Hybridrive Stone Neos Rising HERO Defiant Soul Gadget Match winner Evasive Chaos Ninsect
Select Action
Activates upon attack declaration Activates from your Graveyard Tributes as an effect Tributes for Special Summon Tributes for cost You discard for cost Activation cannot be negated Activates from your hand Gives control of your monster Sends from hand to Graveyard Activates upon Normal Summon Activates during the turn in which it was Normal Summoned Flips monsters face-up Activates if destroyed by battle Changes battle positions Your opponent draws cards Adds from Deck to hand You draw cards Cannot be Tributed Activates upon being flipped face-up Reveals face-down cards Sends from your opponent's Deck to your opponent's Graveyard Returns Fusion Materials for Contact Fusion to Deck Activates if it destroys a monster by battle Activates if battle positions change Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost Prevents battle position changes Activates if battle damage is inflicted Sends itself from field to Graveyard Activates if destroyed by card effect Tributes itself for cost Returns from your Graveyard to your Deck Reveals your hand for cost Sends from field to Graveyard Activates upon Special Summon Equips self from field Reveals your hand for effect Sends from your Deck to your Graveyard Grants effect as Xyz Material Detaches multiple Xyz Materials as cost Activates if it inflicts battle damage Attaches itself from your field as Xyz Material Returns the player's banished cards to the Deck by effect Replaces normal draw Adds from Graveyard to hand Prevents the negation of activations Activates upon Synchro Summon Detaches multiple Xyz Materials for effect Applies effect if other Pendulum Zone is not occupied by specific card Attaches from your Graveyard as Xyz Material Transfers Activates if you take battle damage Reveals cards from your Deck Overwrites card effects Flips itself face-down Returns from field to Deck Equips monsters from the opponent's field to itself Attaches from your hand as Xyz Material Sends from your hand to your Graveyard Activates if targeted by card effect Sends from the top of your Deck to your Graveyard Sends from your field to your Graveyard Returns negated activations to Deck Sets itself from the hand as a Spell Card Excavates from the player's Deck Attaches from your opponent's field as Xyz Material Sets from your Graveyard Activates if added to the hand Detaches Xyz Materials for effect Applies effects if Xyz Material is attached Returns from your field to your Deck Equips self from hand Activates upon Pendulum Summon Gains effects if Synchro Summoned using specific Synchro Material Adds from Extra Deck to hand Sends from field to Graveyard for cost Effect that cannot be negated Sends itself from hand to Graveyard for cost Sends itself from field to Graveyard for cost Changes control Returns from field to hand Returns from your opponent's field to your opponent's hand Activates if destroyed while Set Adds from Deck to Extra Deck Declares a card name Sends from the top of your Deck to your Graveyard for cost Places cards from the player's Graveyard on the top of the Deck Returns from Graveyard to Deck for cost Adds banished cards to the hand Discards itself Returns from field to Deck for cost Activates upon Ritual Summon You discard as an effect Activates upon Link Summon Activates upon Fusion Summon Uses cards on the player's field as Fusion Materials Places cards from the player's Graveyard on the top of the Deck for cost Reveals your hand for Special Summon Changes own battle position Places cards from the player's Graveyard on the bottom of the Deck for cost Returns from your opponent's Graveyard to your opponent's Deck Places cards from the player's hand on the bottom of the Deck for cost Changes battle positions for cost Flips monsters face-down Places cards from the opponent's field on the top of the Deck Activates during the turn in which it was Special Summoned Declares a card type Activates upon Set Excavates from the opponent's Deck Returns from your field to your hand Places cards from the opponent's field on the bottom of the Deck Returns from Graveyard to Deck Returns from hand to Deck for cost Activates if your opponent draws a card Returns from your opponent's field to your opponent's Deck Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost Activates during the turn in which it was Fusion Summoned Sends from your hand to your Graveyard for cost Places cards from the player's Graveyard on the bottom of the Deck Adds from your Graveyard to your hand Returns from field to hand for cost Sends from your opponent's hand to your opponent's Graveyard Places cards from the player's field on the bottom of the Deck for cost All monsters gain ATK Returns from your opponent's Graveyard to your opponent's hand Uses cards in the hand as Fusion Materials Prevents your opponent's Sets Increases normal draw Reveals your Extra Deck for cost Activates during the turn in which it was Tribute Summoned Returns itself from field to hand for cost Activates if other cards are sent to the Graveyard Returns from your hand to your Deck Reveals your opponent's hand Sends from the top of your opponent's Deck to your opponent's Graveyard Activates if targeted for an attack Places cards from the player's field on the bottom of the Deck Modifies which cards can be used as Fusion Material Sends from hand to Graveyard for Special Summon Prevents returning cards from field to hand
Select Pack
Select Card Format
Legend Card
Sort Direction
Deck Count: 0 /60
Monster: 0
Spell: 0
Trap: 0
Import a Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel deck from an external source such as Project Ignis or YGO Omega.
We can accept a .ydk file to import into our Deck Builder or a YDKE string.
NOTE: We do our best to keep in sync with Project Ignis and Omega Database IDs however they may not always be synced. As such, you may import a deck that ends up with missing cards.
Import Deck