This deck is all about using your low level monsters and spell cards to summon as many times as possible your high level monsters and activate their burn effects. You can potentially summon dark luker 4 times for 4000 of damage. Aslo you can potentially summon two phantom pigeons for 2000 damage. The traps cards chosen for this deck are the less bricky that I could find, as having many traps can make you brick easily, but you need them to deal extra damage and make your phantom pigeon run most big threats and burn your opponent with its effect.
Magic stone excavation to recicle your spell cards which are very important to make the burn strategy more efficient. Monsters reborn is the legend I chose because you can bring back any of your high level monsters more easily. Talismanic seal array is for avoiding decking out and outing big monsters. The rest of the spells is used mostly to improve consistency.