Utilize the spellcaster monsters as a consistency engine as well a method of getting cards like Dark Revalation online. A lot the traps that are at one copy get sided out/in during game 2 depending on matchups. You can side in a lot of different options such as Dark Sorcerer and Magiquartet Shock. There's tons of interesting traps you can try in your side. This deck does take a little bit of time to learn, but once you properly learn how to utilize all of your cards, it's extremely rewarding. A lot of people don't have experience fighting this deck and usaully don't expect the deck to be very good, so you can use that to your advantage.
EDIT: This list is like mega outdated i might update later idk but i think this list is still decent.
Discord: Wig#0167
Feel free to dm me if you have questions about the list.