Recently placed top 4 in a 10 person tournament with this with some minor changes. Format was up to MGRP1 & this has Splendid Floor Master from KP10. Original deck replaced Amazing Dealer with Mystic Dealer for more consistency (since no access to Splendid).
Wording Fairy and Crisis at the Sacred Tower are very specifically anti-Thunderbold. Against other decks like Gate Order, I recommend taking out Tower for Imptailing Crisis and Fairy for some other tech slot (another Imptail or even a Road Magic - Dark Night).
Basically, turbo out your Master of Sevens Road, which a lot of current decks can't deal with, and make sure to load up the GY to give it more power and piercing. Sevens Road Sorcerer can reset your board after a wipe, while Sevens Road Witch and Darkness Rogue help faciliate Darkness Zerorogue's effect in mid-to-late game. Bouncing Magician with Sevens Road Enchanter then special summoning it back with Witch is also an easy way to get some more draw power.
When shuffling monsters back with Dark Revelation, always make sure to leave at least one Witch and Magician in your GY. It helps with the Sorcerer board reset. Your general priority for shuffling should be Sevens Road Sorcerer > extra Witches or Magicians > Darkness Zerorogue > everything else.
Due to this deck using Multistrike Dragon Dragias, you also need extra shuffle for non-Spellcasters, which is where Wording Fairy and Sea Dragon Knight come into play. When shuffling back with those cards, make sure to pick your Dragias out of the graveyard. While a stray Monster Reborn will be extremely helpful if he's in there, most of the time you want him to be in deck and not dead in the grave. There is no other way to recycle him than with these two cards.
Since this deck only has 4 Star Restart targets, it is very feasible to take out one and put it in Side or remove it completely to replace with something else (a level 4 or lower Monster preferably). I am comfortable with 2x Star Restart for 4 targets, but you may not be. YMMV.
7 level 7s is a very delicate balance in this deck because there are no draw cards like Ship of Seven Treasures. I would keep the ratio at either 6 or 7, but no higher or lower. Amazing Dealer is the only thing you have and you can't afford to brick on too many high levels.
Some side decking ideas: The Creator (Legend) x1, Torna the Windweaver x1, Siesta Torero x2, Fillan Dwarf x1, Magic Curtain x2, Imptailing Crisis x2, Magical Stone Excavation x1, Trap Lid x2, Crisis at the Sacred Tower x1, Magical Stream x2, Road Magic - Dark Night x1.
Torna the Windweaver is a tech card that can be used in matchups where pure ATK is not enough, as it's good for beating over boss monsters who have high ATK if you can't go into Fusion. Sevens Road Magician won't go higher than 3300 in this deck (3600 if you side in Fillan Dwarf). Road Magic - Dark Night can out bosses and Maximums, which is handy. Magic Curtain is for the Mirror Force matchups.
When siding, I recommend getting rid of one Darkness Rogue and one Sevens Road Mage to make room for anything you could want. If you want Siesta Torero, you could side out Sea Dragon Knight depending on what you need (it's just SDK deals with backrow, while Torero flips). Crisis at the Sacred Tower is also a Trap slot that can be replaced with another Trap in the Side depending on matchup.
Ultimately, the Side Deck is up for debate and very much up to you and what you expect to face against. There can be some wiggle room, such as taking out Torna the Windweaver for another Fillan Dwarf if you feel like you need more mill and more ATK. The Traps are also very situational, which is why I only run one of Crisis at the Sacred Tower in Main, as that is the most general Trap that will cover most situations. Siding in more or less of the others is for comfort.
That said, I do not recommend running Siesta Torero and Sea Dragon Knight at the same time. This deck requires a lot of your resources to be in the GY for it to work (for Sevens Road Magician, Darkness Zerorogue, Master of Sevens Road, and to a lesser extent, Sevens Road Sorcerer), and constantly shuffling back is not a good thing. There needs to be a balance between milling and returning, and you already have Wording Fairy (and Dark Revelation!). Keep this in mind.
I considered siding Enraged Scale Liberation against decks which have a lot of GY hate, but actually this deck is pretty good with loading cards into the GY even after a reset. You should not need it in the slightest.