Beatdown deck where the goal of the deck is to activate Secret Order to special summon Dark Magician and follow it up with the powerful Dark Magician synergy cards in Dark Resonance Burst and Dark Magic Attack. The entire motivation behind the deck was trying to get a 5.2k+ ATK Dark Magician that cannot be destroyed by traps. The list is suplemented by additional Secret Order targets for consistent access to Secret Order and a Spellcaster package, Sevens Road Magician gives additional Dark Resonance Burst targets in a pinch, Dark Revelation provides additional survivability, but can also be used aggressively to maintain tempo if you so choose, and the Dealers in Amazing Dealer and Mystic Dealer help dig through the deck faster to acquire key pieces like the Dark Magician spells, Secret Order and so on. Ship of Seven Treasures and Enraged Scale Liberation also help dig through the deck faster. The video does not contain these cards, but Galactica Oblivion is a straight upgrade of Ultimate Flag Mech Tough Striker, which was what was originally ran here. Sevens Road Sorcerer is also a new tech that was not in the video which acts as an additional way to get to Dark Magician, or Sevens Road Magician instead if you so choose. Overall, simple deck to pilot, and if you like Dark Magician, this deck may be for you.