This is a Red-Eyes themed deck using the newest incarnation of the aforementioned dragon: Red-Boot Boost Dragon. This dragon acts as an excellent generic boss for dragon decks as it's main utility lies in it's ability to chip for damage AND gy recycling with it's own effect; making it so you're constantly recycling resources and out-grinding your opponent.
Red-Boot Boost Dragon inflicts burn damage, recycles your graveyard and grows up to 3100 atk points by itself making it a decent boss for dragon decks.
Cladsoul Dragon Gaigias posses powerful base stats, on top of also having the effect of sending itself and another card from your hand to the gy to special summon another level 7 dragon from the hand, and giving it a boost of 1500 atk. Increasing the damage output of the deack greatly if the need for it arises and unclogging your hand from extra dragons.
Fortitude Dragon is a decent tech card for dragon decks as it allows to debuff significantly larger boss monsters to a range that makes it easier for Red-Boot and other dragons to beat over.