You ever want to slam your opponent multiple times with 4000+ ATK? This glass cannon deck can do it. My draw addiction has lead me to this monstrosity, and I'd like to share it with you.
I'm aware that there's already a Dragias Burst deck on here, but it doesn't take advantage of any buff cards to exploit the multiple attack. Besides, you're often ending your games with OG Dragias cranked to over 4000 ATK. I had it up at 5200 just today. The maximum cards are usually just fuel for your spells.
If you want to avoid decking out, there's an easy solution: run 45 cards, with more recursion. Another Righteous Dragon, 1 Red-Boot, and 1 Dragon's Fortitude (-1000 ATK is nice) will solve that issue if you're unlucky enough to run into it too often. Your other 2 are Fortitude Dragon and 1 buff card of your choice. There's lots of options out there, most of which will get you to your goal. I just have this at 40 because people tend to take 40-card decks more seriously. But feel free to run it at whatever you feel comfortable with. It's not intended to be competitive anyway. It's just satisfying when you pull it off.
If you're doing siding, you'll probably want Kappa Emperor, Daiwet, and at least 1 Lurker. They're match-up specific, but like Nana, they help to clear your board so you can use Ghost Cyclone and the Sportsdragons. You can get a pretty good loop going with these. 1 Lurker and some Sportsdragons can crack their entire backrow if you time it right. The rest of your side should be Counterattack and some format specific removal for whatever is going around at the moment.
Well, that's all I have for you tonight. I'm going to grab a snack.
Toodles & Noodles,
~ Yubelious!