This deck focuses around 2 very new maximum monsters. “Blaze Fiend Overlords Beelucitaroth” and “Doomblaze Fiend Overlord Despairacion”! This deck works slightly different from a Maximum deck since you utilize new support cards in order to spec maximums from the GY, then use the spell “Return of the Blaze Fiends” to add those Maximums from your field to your hand, making it easier for you to Maximum Summon! It becomes even more crazy when Doomblaze is practically a floodgate, locking your opponent from setting monsters, locking your opponent from spec’ing 7s from hand or GY, immune to Spell/Trap destruction and has a removal effect. The deck is also decently consistent since all the Doomblaze pieces are LV 10, so “Heavenly Gift” becomes an insane draw spell! The deck also utilizes control traps including “Trap Hole” to prevent your opponent from killing you before you make your Maximums and prevent your opponent from destroying your Maximums!